18:00 - 19:30 |
- Fact Checking and Analyzing the Web, François Goasdoué, Konstantinos Karanasos, Yannis Katsis, Julien Leblay, Ioana Manolescu and Stamatis Zampetakis
- MicroFilter: Scalable Real-Time Filtering Of Micro-blogging Content, Ryadh Dahimene and Cedric Du Mouza
- Processing XML Queries and Updates on Map/Reduce Clusters, Nicole Bidoit-Tollu, Dario Colazzo, Noor Malla, Maurizio Nolé, Carlo Sartiani and Federico Ulliana
- MEoWS Reader: Top-k News Recommendation, Filtering and Personalization, Nelly Vouzoukidou, Bernd Amann and Vassilis Christophides
- SQuIF: Subtile Quête d'Informations personnelles issues de Fichiers, Sabina Surdu, Vincent Primault and Yann Gripay
- WaRG: Warehousing RDF Graphs, Dario Colazzo, Tushar I. Ghosh, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu and Alexandra Roatiş
- Rule-Based Application Development using Webdamlog, Serge Abiteboul, Émilien Antoine, Gerome Miklau, Julia Stoyanovich and Jules Testard
- Une démonstration d’un crawler intelligent pour les applications Web, Muhammad Faheem and Pierre Senellart
- Block-o-Matic: a Web Page Segmentation Tool and its Evaluation, Andres Sanoja and Stephane Gancarski
- CoBRa for optimizing global queries, Lourdes Martinez, Christine Collet, Christophe Bobineau and Etienne Dublé
- Evaluating Cooperation in coauthorship graphs with degeneracy, Christos Giatis, Klaus Berberich, Dimitrios Thilikos and Michalis Vazirgiannis
- DataTour: Location-based Datastore over a Community Cloud, Kun Mi, Bo Zhang, Hubert Naacke, Daniel Stern and Stéphane Gançarski
- An Intelligent PubSub Filtering System, Zeinab Hmedeh, Cedric Du Mouza and Nicolas Travers
14:00 - 15:30 |
Session - Jeunes Chercheurs
- Pattern mining in big datasets’ corners, Martin Kirchgessner
- Contrôles d'accès pour l'intégration de données, Mehdi Haddad
- Indexation d’une grande quantité de séquences ADN dans une base de données NoSQL à l’aide d’algorithmes de hachage perceptuel, Jocelyn De Goer
- Interactive Exploration of Users and Activities, Behrooz Omidvar Tehrani
- QTor : Une organisation basée sur les requêtes pour les systèmes distribués de gestion de flux, Sébastien Dufromentel
- Query Processing Over Hybrid Database, Baraa Mohamad
- A learning-based approach for optimizing global queries, Lourdes Martinez
- An approach for social interest detection, Manel Mezghani
- Modèles et Algorithmes pour la provenance dans le Cloud, Julien Lacroix
- OnADIQ : Ontological Architecture for Dynamic Indexing and Querying - Application à la recherche d'information personnalisée, Vincent Martin
- Composing, Processing and Notifying Event Flows, Orleant Epal Njamen
- UNIMAP: Introduction to the Integration of Location-Based Services of Several Providers, Bilal Berjawi
- Leveraging Ontology-based Methodologies for Designing Semantic Data Warehouses, Selma Bouarar